Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the medium is the message

everything has a message. Everything that is used has a sub-context and the sub-context has a sub-context and so on. The idea that a word or a point of view or lighting can give a message without say a word, is the main idea that the author is trying to get across. The entire reading rest of the reading is examples of how a medium can be use to portray a message. Honestly this was not very interesting, the author could have talked more about the concept of materials and methods and less about who used them. There was just too much history filler to allow me to learn something from the reading. The main idea of the paper was clearly portrayed in the first page and a half.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

concept map


human nature- old man, time, death, age, gorwth

Nature- growth, decay, destroyed, take over, over growth.

Nature in humanity

humanity in nature

homes in the wood, homes taking over woods

peolpe taking over woods and land

artist statement inter

In the images that I am experimenting with, I am putting together a few simple motifs/ideas.
The first is time. The old man sitting in the chair is symbolic of our time as people on this earth. He is adorn with spanish moss creating a faux-beard. It i the nature of human existence to become old and it is this nature that we try so hard to fight. Another aspect of this struggle with nature can be seen in our homes. We take what we want from the land with little regard to the consequences of our actions. Here the house is being overwhelmed by the force of nature. When our time is spent, nature will move back in and take back what was once its own. The main scene is an agricultural setting. This scene is important because of the way we use nature and how we abuse it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Artist Statement

In to the End

This piece is simple in concept with subtile suggestions of emotion. The constant and consistent motion of waves invokes a sense of serenity in the scene. Being surrounded by the sounds of the wave crashing and the boats playing a symphony some where off in the great expanse. Engulfed by sound, the viewer will be immersed into the scene and find themselves peaceful and alone. As the scene fades to a view of twinkling stars, the feeling of insignificance will become more evident. This feeling, however is not meant to be negative, rather it is meant to be empowering. Through the next scenes, this feeling of empowerment of self should grow. I will leave the rest to the imagination. Just enjoy the experience.

learn some flash... (coding)

These site are supposed to help someone understand flash. Well they only kind of helped and still I can not do what I wanted to.

Flash, what a pain.

all 1000+ frames are in and since i did the waves and background as different layers I can not make a cross fade in to two wave scenes... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

remaking the audio

I have to totally re make the audio to match the piece.

The horns are now more epic and there are no airplanes.

15 more hours...

after fixing the lighting, timing, and other things, I have managed to have something that is useable.

Now all I have to do is get it to work in flash and make the audio for it.

20 WAvES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


20 waves is near impossible, the lighting is hard to not get reflections.

paper and acrylic medium.

20+ hours of set making and shooting later... photoshop time.

better idea after talking...

Lots of waves, more atmospheric.

No narrative

20 sets of waves?

sun or moon, rise or set...

Moon... setting

I have to remake the sound piece to match video... it is to hard to make the video match music.

concept mapping

I want to build off the ocean sound piece

Waves, creatures, a rising sun, setting sun, moon?

A boat entering the scene, gets filled with... consumed by sea.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

new project 2
This is my video, check it out, give me some feed back.